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今週からPreshana Yoga6週間のシリーズクラスが始まります!


ティーチャートレーニングのヘッドティーチャーであるAnnie Carpenter先生の

Smart FlowのMovement Principle(MP/動きの法則)がテーマになってます。






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Week 1 (MP1)
Balancing the Spinal Curves
Yoga is paying attention. Working to bring awareness to, and maintain the balance of the natural curves of the spine is an essential element of each asana (pose). It teaches the essence of core strength and stabilisation whilst allowing for free and coordinated movement of all the limbs in space.

Week 2 (MP2a & b)
Hips & Leg Placement
How to balance the pelvis when the legs are doing different things. This movement principle teaches us how to maintain a healthy placement of the legs in relation to the hips that allows for ease in the lower back and a very happy sacrum. We can then begin to understand Sthira (stability) and Sukkha (ease) or what is moving and what is stable.

Week 3 (MP4)
Shoulder Girdle & Upper Back
Experiment with a full range of arm movements whilst understanding stabilisation of the shoulder blades and rib cage. Practice the actions of moving the arms downwards, backwards and upwards. Unlearn habits that cause your neck to tense and work in ways to alleviate that tension. Happy neck & shoulders!

Week 4 (MP2c)
Lengthening and stretching the spine into twisting poses brings flexibility, extension and strength to the entire spinal column. Stabilise your body using the principles taught in the previous 2 weeks, pelvic placement and shoulder girdle to gain maximum extension and rotation in the spine. Learn how to twist safely so that you lower back is well supported.

Week 5 (MP5)
Thighbones Descending
Learn to descend the thighbones, bend at the hips and ground your yoga practice. Feel how you connect to the earth from the pelvis, through the legs and feet. Proper use of the thigh and leg muscles is connected to a feeling of deep release in the nervous system.

Week 6 (MP6 & 8)
Mindful Core Practice
Bring everything together into optimum dynamic balance in your body. Engage deeply with your body and breath to direct your awareness into multiple places at the same time. You will begin to experience the fluidity of each sequence of movements.